Conceive - Focussed Relaxation to Assist in Conception [Original Recording]

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Alan has a small, but growing, catalogue of hypnotherapy and guided relaxation recordings, which are gaining in popularity daily. 'High Stress Levels May Delay Women Getting Pregnant', ScienceDaily (Aug. 17, 2010) - 'Healthy women trying for a baby may have reduced chances of becoming pregnant in any month if they are stressed, the results of a study by researchers at Oxford University and the US National Institutes of Health suggest. The work provides evidence for the first time of an association between high levels of a biological marker for stress and reduced chances of a woman conceiving during the fertile days of her monthly cycle. The study, published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, suggests that some couples wanting to become pregnant may benefit from relaxation techniques.....' As this recording has been in production, the first empirical evidence demonstrating the benefits of relaxation to the likelihood of conception is emerging (above). Whilst relaxation won't unblock fallopian tubes or change the shape of sperm, for people who are as sure as they reasonably can be that there is no other inhibiting factor to conception, or who are following fertility programmes, relaxation exercises have long been viewed as simple common sense. This recording provides a fantastically effective and enjoyable means to relax, and focus on your desired conception. It is designed and written by Alan to be effectively used by both male and female partners, as a part of your conception plan.